Empowering people to imagine and realise low carbon, just, climate resilient futures through culture – from arts to heritage
We believe that arts, culture and heritage constitute an invaluable resource to help communities take transformative climate action.
The Climate Heritage Network seeks to scale up culture-based climate action and to make climate policy people-centred through coordination and cooperation among its members.
The Climate Heritage Network Call to Action
Despite profound connections between climate change and culture, today there are thousands of arts, culture, and heritage actors and advocates whose talents have not yet been mobilized on climate change issues, including archaeologists, architects, landscape architects, administrators, archivists, artists, crafts persons, conservators, curators, engineers, geographers, historians, librarians, musicians, museum professionals, performers, site mangers, urban planners, and writers, as well as activists, scientists, researchers, teachers, scholars, and carriers of local and Indigenous knowledge.
The Climate Heritage Network aims to flip that paradigm.
Support Our Work
The Climate Heritage Network envisions a world where arts, culture, and heritage are united with other stakeholders in meeting the challenge of the climate crisis. Your donations help us drive transformative and transdisciplinary action across the globe.

“Culture and heritage are vitally important aspects of our lives and resources influencing how our communities and societies adapt to climate change.”
— Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, at the International Co-Sponsored Meeting on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change launch event (December 2021)
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